An easy start
In the first part I'll reproduce two plots from Real Government Spending Per Capita. It's straightforward to get the data using quantmod:require(quantmod)
# First we get the time series from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FRED)
getSymbols('GEXPND', src = 'FRED')
getSymbols('GDPDEF', src = 'FRED')
getSymbols('SLEXPND', src = 'FRED')
getSymbols('POP', src = 'FRED')
getSymbols('USREC', src = 'FRED')
# Paul Krugman doesn't use the raw series but real per capita values.
# These are the necessary calculations.
log_gov_overall <- log(GEXPND/(GDPDEF*POP), exp(1))
log_gov_state_local <- log(SLEXPND/(GDPDEF*POP), exp(1))
It's just as easy to create the standard plots:plot(log_gov_overall
, main = "Real Government Spending Per Capita\nOverall (Log Values)"
, main = "Real Government Spending Per Capita\nState & Local (Log Values)"
A closer look, however, reveals that something is clearly missing. Paul took his plots straight from FRED itself. One of the features is that recessions are shown by graying the background.
FRED style plots
After struggling with the parameters and different quantmod plots for a while I decided to write a function that takes the series to be plotted as a parameter and creates a FRED style plot.This makes some use of the internal workings of plot.xts:
FREDplot <- function (x
, main = deparse(substitute(x))
, las = 1
, ...) {
# function to create FRED style plots with shaded regions for U.S. recessions
# this function needs the time series to be xts
if (!(class(x)[1] == "xts") &&
(class(x)[2] == "zoo")){
stop("Only xts objects can be properly handled by this function!")
# get the recession dates from FRED only once
if (!("USREC" %in% ls(name = globalenv()) &&
attributes(USREC)$src == "FRED")){
getSymbols('USREC', src = 'FRED')
# transform FRED recession dates to xy.coordinates
usrec <- xy.coords(.index(USREC), USREC[, 1])
# prepare plot
xycoords <- xy.coords(.index(x), x[, 1])
ep <- axTicksByTime(x, TRUE, format.labels = TRUE)
plot.zoo(xycoords$x, xycoords$y
, type = 'n', axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE
# plot axis & box
axis(1, at = xycoords$x, labels = FALSE
, col = "#BBBBBB"
axis(1, at = xycoords$x[ep], labels = names(ep)
, las = 1,lwd = 1, mgp = c(3, 2, 0)
axis(2, las = las)
# create shaded areas
xblocks(usrec$x,ifelse(usrec$y == 1, "gray", "white"))
# add grid
abline(v = xycoords$x[ep], col = "grey", lty = 4)
abline(h = seq(min(xycoords$y), max(xycoords$y)
, length.out = 9), col = "grey", lty = 4
# plot curve
lines(xycoords$x, xycoords$y,...)
# add title
title(main = main)
title(sub = "Shaded regions are US recession periods
(data from"
Using this function the plots look much better:# the first plot
main = "Real Government Spending Per Capita\nOverall (Log Values)")
# and the second
main = "Real Government Spending Per Capita\nState and Local Level (Log Values)")
Actually I like these plots better than the originals here and there.
There are, however, a couple of things that could - and should - be improved. More of this in future installments.
I'll call it a day for now.