
Washington Gave Thanks To R:

The folks over at is.R() brought along an "adorable Turkey". I guess we'll thank them for their gift - and pardon the Turkey. Personally I thank them for a bucket of hints and tricks I freely used and will continue to do so.

Tal brought us a great community of R bloggers. I thank him for the work he invested, and personally, I thank him for allowing me in.

I thank the readers, and the writers, and I thank the R team for giving us "the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge". George Washington told us to so:

That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks, for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation, for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his providence, which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war, for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed, for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted, for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.

(George Washington, on October 3, 1789)

The following produced the plot at the top:

message <- "...the means\nwe have of\nacquiring\n"
message <- paste0(message, "and\ndiffusing\nuseful")
message <- paste0(message, "\nknowledge...")
textplot(message, "center", "top", col="green")

And here's a way to get the Thanksgiving Date from R:

thanksgiving <- getNthDayOfWeek(fourth, Thu, Nov, 2012)

Happy Thanksgiving!


Get the exit polls from CNN using R and Python

Yesterday I posted an example of plotting 2012 U.S. presidential exit poll results using ggplot2. There I took for granted that a data.frame containing all we need resides in a file called "PresExitPolls2012.Rdata". Today I want to show how I scraped the data from CNN.

The challenge

At first I tried to scrape the site using RCurl and the XML package. But the result was very disappointing. I just got empty data.frames while all browsers I used showed the data. Looking at the source code of the page, however, was equally disappointing:

Where I expected the percentage of say women voting for Romney, I saw a javascript variable name. Only looking at the generated source with Firebug revealed the data. The CNN pages are dynamically created by javascript that jqueried the data into variables. No way getting the data with RCurl.

The solution

So I needed a real browser that could be controlled by a script. I decided to use a Python script to read the generated html from CNN. Here's the Python code that draws heavily on a thread I stumbled upon in a German forum:

# harald 2012-11-11
# heavily based on http://www.python-forum.de/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20308
import sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from PyQt4.QtWebKit import *
URI = sys.argv[1]
class P_MainWindow(QWebView):
def __init__(self, url, parent = None):
QWebView.__init__(self, parent)
self.connect(self, SIGNAL("loadFinished(bool)"),
print "OK!"
def print_html(self):
x = open("temp.html", "w")
print "OK"
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = P_MainWindow(URI)
view raw dl_CNN_EP.py hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Next I needed a function in R that puts together the URL for one of the CNN state sites, calls the Python and returns a page tree of the generated html. getStateData() does the job:

## harald, 2012-11-11
## function to read all data for a single state from CNN
getStateData <- function(state) {
# compose the URI
base_url <- "http://us.cnn.com/election/2012/"
exit_polls_url <- "results/state/"
state <- toupper(state)
URI <- paste0(base_url, exit_polls_url, state, "/president")
if (state == "US") {
URI <- "http://us.cnn.com/election/2012/results/race/president"
# call python script that downloads the polls from CNN
# R can't do this, because it's dynamically generated html
# print a message
print(paste("processing data for", state))
syscall <- paste("python dl_CNN_EP.py", URI)
webpage <- readLines("temp.html")
pagetree <- htmlParse(webpage
, asText = TRUE
, error=function(...){}
, useInternalNodes = TRUE
view raw getStateData.R hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The page tree getStateData returns contains a lot of noise like preliminary county results for some, but only some, of the counties. There are some "fake" exit polls designed to explain "ho to read exit polls". And for every question asked the results appear a couple of times.

Filtering out the noise

To separate the wheat from the chaff, the grain from the husk, I split the job over two functions, parseEpNode and getExitPolls.

getExitPolls parses the tree using XPath, then calls parseEpNode for each of the nodes containing exit polls. (As an aside: this is an application of the "Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis" (pdf) described by Hadley Wickham when he introduced the plyr package. Ironically my getExitPolls doesn't use plyr::llply but the R standard lapply, though it makes use of plyr::rbind.fill...)

## harald, 2012-11-11
# a function to retrieve the exit polls for one state:
getExitPolls <- function(state) {
# get the raw state data
raw <- getStateData(state)
xpath.expression <- "//div[@class=\"exit_poll\"]"
ep_nodes <- getNodeSet(doc = raw, path = xpath.expression)
# the first two nodes contain the "About Exit Polls" examples
ep_nodes <- ep_nodes[c(-1, -2)]
# convert elements to data.frames
# there will be some warnings about "NAs introduced by coercion"
# those can safely be ignored
EP <- lapply(ep_nodes, function(x) parseEpNode(x))
# drop the NULL frames
EP <- EP[-grep("NULL", EP)]
# in some cases the same question has been asked with different
# breakdowns. to distiguish them we'll add a question number
for (i in seq_along(EP)) {EP[[i]]$QNo <- i}
EP <- rbind.fill(EP)
EP$state <- state
view raw getExitPolls.R hosted with ❤ by GitHub
parseEpNode is the real work horse of the process. It filters out duplicate entries and demo polls. Again it relies on the Split-Apply-Combine Strategy without using l*ply. Sometimes lapply is easy enough, and Hadley himself uses it internally for some cases as well.

## harald, 2012-11-11
## function to parse a single node
parseEpNode <- function(node) {
if (grepl("\n", xmlValue(xmlChildren(node)[[2]]))
&& grepl("TQ", xmlAttrs(node[4]$div[3]$ul)[1])
) {
question <- xmlValue(xmlChildren(node)[[2]])
question <- gsub("\n", "", gsub("\nClose\n", "", question))
foo <-
function(x) unlist(strsplit(xmlValue(x),"\n"))
# add a prefix to make the following lapply possible
foo[[1]][1] <- paste0("answer:", foo[[1]][1])
foo <- lapply(foo, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, ":")))
# there's at least one state, Massachussetts, where CNN shows
# an empty exit poll table, so we better check:
if (length(unlist(foo[-1])) == 0) {
foo.df <-
do.call(rbind, foo),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# there's a problem with residual blanks on some CNN pages
names(foo.df) <- gsub(" ", "", foo.df[1, ])
foo.df <- foo.df[-1, ]
for (i in 2:length(foo.df)) {
# the warnings produced are legitimate coercions from
# "N/A" to NA. so we can safely suppress them here.
foo.df[, i] <- suppressWarnings(
as.numeric(gsub("[%]|[(]|[)]", "", foo.df[, i]))
foo.df$question <- question
} else {
view raw parseEpNode.R hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Putting it all together

This script puts it all together and produces the Rdata file the existence of which I only assumed yesterday. It starts with a list of the 19 states + D.C. where no exit polls have been conducted in 2012 taken from the Washington Post and puts together the states of interest, again as a list to which getExitPolls can be lapply'd.

## harald, 2012-11-11
# this script downloads all exit polls for the U.S. presidential
# election on 2012-11-06 from CNN and saves the resulting
# data.frame to file
# for later puropses it can be loaded by
# load(file="PresExitPolls2012.Rdata")
# In 2012 exit polls weren't conducted in all states.
# "Here is a list of the states that will be excluded from coverage: Alaska, Arkansas, D$
# (source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2012/10/04/networks-ap-cancel-$
# a bit of editing gives:
nonep.states <- paste0("Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, ",
"Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, ",
"Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, ",
"South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, ",
"Utah, West Virginia, Wyoming"
excluded <- unlist(strsplit(nonep.states, ", "))
# we need the abbreviations, however, so we have to translate:
ep.states <- as.list(state.abb[!(state.name %in% excluded)])
# add "nationwide" to states
ep.states <- c(ep.states, "US")
# It's "Split" already, so "Apply"...
all_exit_polls <- lapply(ep.states, function(x) getExitPolls(x))
# "Combine"...
EP <- rbind.fill(all_exit_polls)
# Save
save(EP, file = "PresExitPolls2012.Rdata")
view raw EP2012_1.R hosted with ❤ by GitHub

A probably much shorter post will add some improvements to the process. More later...


Exit PEBOS - Enter exit polls

PEBOS is over. Time to look at the details of the Election. The final results are not yet in, but the exit polls are there, and up for grabs. Just to get warm: here's a tiny example.

Obviously Romney had an age problem. But for now I don't want to speculate about political consequences. This is just an example plot.

Let's imagine we have a data.frame "EP" that contains the state level exit polls for the presidential election 2012. (Actually, I have these data, and tomorrow I'll post how I got them using R - and a tiny bit of Python. For today I just let them reside in a file called "PresExitPolls2012.Rdata".)

Update: I've released the code to create the PresExitPolls2012.Rdate file today.

I fire up R and the first code snippet is

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For now I just concentrate on the "Vote by Age". There are two different age groupings for that question:
unique(EP$QNo[EP$question=="Vote by Age"])
# 4 category breakdown
head(EP[EP$QNo==2, ])
# 6 category breakdown
head(EP[EP$QNo==3, ])
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Today I want to produce a plot of the 6 category breakdown, so I reduce the data and do some checks:

1. There might be some inconsistency between states in the numbering of the questions. There should be 6 categories for each state.

2. This year's exit polls have been conducted in 31 states. In addition to this the reduced dataset should contain the nation wide data. So I expect 32 "states" in the newly created VbA dataset.

Both checks can easily be implemented with the daply funktion from Hadley's plyr package:

VbA <- EP[EP$QNo==3, ]
unique(daply(VbA, .(state), nrow)) == 6
length(daply(VbA, .(state), nrow)) == 32
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The plot needs the data to be in "long format". I let Hadley's melt function (from the reshape package) do the job. Then I remove all Candidates with the exception of Obama and Romney.

vba <- melt(VbA, id = c("state", "answer"), variable_name = "Candidate")
# we're only interested in Obama and Romney
vba <- vba[vba$Candidate %in% c("Obama", "Romney"), ]
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Finally the plot can be created. Initially the plot was a mess with garbled and unreadable text elements. I'm indebted to the people over at is.R() for their most valuable hints that helped me arrive at a readable plot.

But before plotting there's a fix to be applied. In the VbA data.frame the numbers for the candidate were numeric. For some reason I'll have yet to look into this made the NA's appear like peaks with both candidates having roughly the same value of about 70. (Thanks to lemonlaug whose comment alerted me to the absurdity in the original plot.)

Now to the fix. It's as simple as that:

vba$value <- as.numeric(vba$value)

Here's the final code snippet:

png(file = "VbA2012.png", width = 960, height = 960)
ggplot(vba, aes(answer, value)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = Candidate, color = Candidate)) +
  facet_wrap(~ state, ncol = 4) +
  labs(title = "2012 Presidential Vote by Age\n",
    y = "Percentage\n",
    x = "Age group\n"
  ) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(colour = "black",
          size = 9,
          angle = 45,
          vjust = 1,
          hjust = 1),
        axis.text.y = element_text(colour = "black",
          size = 9,
          angle = 0,
          vjust = 1,
          hjust = 1)
  ) +
  scale_y_discrete(breaks=c(30, 50, 70)) +
  scale_colour_manual(values =  c("darkblue", "darkred"))
Created by Pretty R at inside-R.org


Another crosshairs

C. DeSante over at is.R() has PEBOS as well, but turned it into a great explanation of the way predictions like Nate Silver's work.

For a while the 538 team had PEBOS as well: "The FiveThirtyEight team is still recuperating, but the election provided a fresh supply of data points that we’ll be connecting in the coming days."

This inspired me to add some predictions of the popular vote to my crosshairs plot. The data are from here.

We can see that Nate was closest. Well how does the old song sing?
Pass my window, pass my gate
Pass my window, pass my gate
You can pass my window, can pass my gate
But you'll never pass FiveThirtyEight...
The additional code is simple:
# numbers from http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57546778-38/among-the-top-election-quants-nate-silver-reigns-supreme/
nate <- c(50.8, 48.3)
tpm <- c(48.8, 48.1)
rcp <- c(48.8, 48.1)
huff <- c(48.1, 46.7)
crosshairs(centre = centre, # the actual popular vote
pts = pts, # the predistions
no.rings = 4, # four rings seem about right here ("4 more years")
title = "Pollsters on target?",
x.ann = "Obama popular vote (%)", # annotation for x axis
y.ann = "Romney popularvote (%)" # annotation for y axis
points(nate[1], nate[2], col = "blue", pch = 22)
points(tpm[1], tpm[2], col = "black", pch = 22)
# as RCP and TPM actually have the same prediction, I'll use a different pch
points(rcp[1], rcp[2], col = "red", pch = 20)
points(huff[1], huff[2], col = "blue", pch = 22)
view raw crosshairs2.R hosted with ❤ by GitHub

PEBOS (Post Election Burn Out Syndrome)

I guess that all those that tried to follow the presidential election as closely as possible are more than just a little bit exhausted mentally. I call this PEBOS - Post Election Burn Out Syndrome.

Among us some concentrated on the horserace aspect of the polls. Those will wake up a few days from now, released from their fever, and turn their eyes on other things until 2014 (or even 2016) revives their political strain.

Others, like me, will spend weeks and months studying the data amassed and not sufficiently looked into over the last year. When the final results are in, all polls cleanly collected, and the ANES 2012 data have been released, it's time to indulge in the analysis...

For now, I'll try to get some rest.

And this is the code, on github, that generated the crosshairs plot shown above. We can see that the national polls were somewhat biased against Barack Obama, though they mostly underestimated the Romney vote as well.

More to come very soon.


PrettyR R

When it comes to R blogging I'm a complete newbie. So I'm still struggling with the technical details.

Part of the process is prettifying the code snippets. One of the standard ways of doing this involves copy-and-paste-ing the R code into the Pretty R syntax highlighter.

While assembling the bits to do the posting programmatically I wrote a function that replaces the copy-and-paste part.

Now here's the function prettified by itself:

prettyR <- function(file) {
  Rcode <- readLines(file)
  Rcode <- paste(Rcode, collapse="\n")
  # assemble the parameters for the http POST to the Pretty R web site
  URL <- "http://www.inside-r.org/pretty-r/tool"
  parameters <- list(
    op = "edit-submit", 
    form_id = "pretty_r_tool_form", 
    code_input = Rcode
  # send the http POST request
  rawHTML <- postForm(URL, .params = parameters)
  parsedHTML <- htmlParse(rawHTML)
  # find the node
  prettified <- getNodeSet(parsedHTML, "//div[@class='form-item']/textarea")[[1]]
  prettified <- xmlValue(prettified[[1]])
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